Post by d***@gmail.comThey must've meant SOMEthing by "laboratory samples", so I'd like
clarif'n on that too.
I can't advise on NJ law! You need to find a NJ transporter or
manufacturer of fireworks who's willing, and ask their opinions.
I do know what USDOT considers home-made devices to be, because I had a
need to understand those laws. I took a professional course on it,
involving thousands of pages of textbooks, legalese, videos, and tests...
and thousands of dollars worth of materials.
From that perspective, I'd say 'lab samples' involves the same sort of
quantities and types of materials as what the federal government treats
them for mail and transport... TINY quantities; usually under 200g, of
'new formulations' or materials for other labs to assay. Even small
home-made fireworks do not fit that description. They're 'finished
devices', ready to be fired. Even if firing one could legitimately be
considered a 'test', the devices themselves aren't lab samples, they're
expressly _defined_ by federal law as 1.3G N.O.S. devices, according to
But I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not NJ licensed. I operate in Florida.
You need to find help who knows NJ law inside-and-out.